Thursday, 11 December 2014

Zhang Wanyi

Dear Mrs Tan,

Firstly, I'd like to congratulate you on getting the place of vice-principal!! (Even if it's not in Nanhua) You've always been a wonderful teacher and Clementi Primary made a vvv good choice in choosing you :D

Secondly, I would like to thank you for everything you've done when you were with us (you will always be with us - in our hearts and on our minds) and when you were in Nanhua (-: Your teaching was always on point, even though you often deviated from your point (it's okay we just learnt a wider range of lessons!!), and I'm really glad you were the one who taught us Social Studies in P6, and that we got to know you as both a teacher and a friend. It's always important to have a teacher who teaches not only their subject but life lessons as well - and you were that for us. I'll always remember you as the teacher who wrote 'Integrity' on our white board while we filmed the video for 95th anniversary ((-: Your personalized little encouragement notes for each of us before PSLE (even when PSLE did not consist of SS!!!) warms my heart each time I look at it (yes, I still have it stashed away safely somewhere). After we graduated, you were always there to welcome us back every time we visited Nanhua. It's sad to think that next year, we wouldn't see you anymore )-: Thanks for inviting us to your house that time too ((-: It was more than one year after you promised to let us go there, so it was rather a pleasant surprise that you had not forgotten (even though we did remind you rather often about it). It was a really fun day and we got to eat the food you (or your maid) cooked!! I'm so glad the teachers and us were able to feel so comfortable around each other. You have really become a friend to us <3

Lastly, I want to wish you all the best in all your future endeavors (-: Starting at a new school might be hard, but, if anybody could do it, it's you. I was genuinely happy for you when I heard that you were the GEP HOD, but now I'm even happier, because you've managed to become a vice-principal!!!!! I hope you like our little present for you - it's just a thank you for all you've done for us.

A picture speaks a thousand words, but even that is not enough to express my gratitude and love(!!!) for you ((-:

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